Emergency response to the needs of the population in a humanitarian crisis

YLDF has adopted a new strategy to implement its work during the period from 2017 to 2020, which provides for alleviating food insecurity and increasing livelihood opportunities by enhancing food security, contributing to rural poverty reduction, and developing the capacity of the most vulnerable people to manage risks and respond to it, protect the rights of the most vulnerable in all situations including conflict situations. It has improved access to food for most of the host or displaced families and their access to adequate food in accordance with the standards of the Food and Agricultural Security Cluster and Sphere international standards, and it has strengthened the capacities of local partners and target communities, men and women, to prepare in advance for emergency situations and early response to humanitarian crises, and to inform the society of the international humanitarian and legal principles as well as related standards.
The war has affected Yemeni women greatly, especially since they have neglected their role in the political process, so Young Leaders Development Foundation has worked to continue to enhance the role of women in participating in decision-making, and to communicate the voices of Yemeni women affected by the current situation at the local and international levels, and to empower women to reach to decision-making positions and to have a positive role in the policy-making process, targeting several parties, including government officials, civil society organizations, young women activists, youth initiatives, lawyers, media professionals, academics and local activists, and included capacity building, advocacy sessions, awareness-raising, and training in sensitivity gender in peace building, and it has strengthened the role of women in conflict resolution and their role in the Yemeni national dialogue and their role in acting as a mediator for the exchange and release of prisoners, and taking into account the gender axes and Security Council Resolution No. 1325 on women, security, peace, CEDAW and peace building.
The Foundation contributed to provide and apply the technology of the community assessment card to increase the participation of the general public in monitoring the performance of the local government. These cards brought together members of the community, civil society organizations and local leaders to determine the use and provision of public services. The result of the participatory efforts led to identifying gaps and potential ways for improvement. It has strengthened sustainable partnership to enhance and track the effectiveness of the solutions that have been developed. The Foundation has developed training curricula for members of civil society organizations and local councils in good management, social responsibility, social accountability cards and prevailing trends regarding gender.
By linking art with gender to raise awareness about gender-based violence, YLDF contributed to raise awareness in local communities on issues of gender-based violence through art and creativity, and the trainees felt motivated and able to address social issues and presented very important messages, and they worked to raise awareness in their communities through their artwork.
Young people in Yemen face a number of challenges due to the ongoing war, and the resulting rise in the unemployment index and the scarcity of job opportunities. In this context, YLDF has contributed since 2006 by helping young people to overcome some of those challenges through opportunities represented in acquiring a craft that increases demand. In the market, raising the level of informal apprenticeships in Yemeni societies and defending workers’ rights by increasing the capacities of their local representatives, strengthening partnership with the private sector, and funding to open private projects for young men and women. It has also strengthened the volunteering of young people by giving them the knowledge, behaviors and skills necessary to engage in development work and livelihood work in Yemen, and is selecting part of the volunteers to rotate in its departments for internal training to acquire practical skills.