Promote children

The Young Leadership Development Foundation has contributed to raise awareness of the importance of children’s rights and child rights issues represented in corporal punishment, raising awareness of youth initiatives on child rights issues, and participating mainly and effectively in combating violence at schools, developing school regulations, setting alternatives and penalties for school workers, and issuing a ministerial decision to prevent punishment. However, the unstable security situation prevented it from being signed by the Ministry of Education.
The Foundation was able to develop women’s self-development and enhance their ability to set and achieve clear future goals and help women present a positive image of themselves and balance between work and personal life, as well as giving them the necessary confidence and providing them with the necessary skills to advance in their practical and personal lives. It is considered among the psychological support provided by the Foundation to women, especially displaced women especially in the conditions that Yemen is going through.
The Foundation continued to participate in integrating young people more effectively and actively to advance human rights, democracy and freedoms in their societies, encouraging them to participate in a leadership spirit and action in national and regional networking, increasing their knowledge about human rights principles and mechanisms, also by building capacities to use the participatory and human rights-based approach, The Foundation of Young leadership development has been working since 1998 with the spirit which is based on human rights, believing in the right of every young man and woman to have equal opportunities to participate in various fields.
The YLDF intervened in reducing conflicts in Yemeni society by building civil society capacities on conflict resolution, as well as improving the role of women and youth in decision-making, and based on the experiences of the YLDF, it enabled young people to find creative and productive outlets for self-expression. And it strengthened the leadership role of women in dealing with problems, resolving conflicts and making peace. It stimulated the confidence and creative ability of young people to harness creative skills in solving problems and enabling them to find their voice and make it heard, and educating them in the use of technology and filmmaking that are the main parts which contribute in the development of local development activities. It also helped to refine the skills of self-expression, thinking, and cooperation, flexibility, perseverance, skills, and expression of citizenship issues.
The Foundation worked on building the capacities of civil society organizations in rural areas to participate effectively during the national transition process and beyond, providing them with skills and experience in good governance and strategic planning, quality and internal systems, financial management, communication and awareness, advocacy and gender mainstreaming, which helped civil society organizations significantly in building their internal systems.