The Official Birth of " Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF)"

A new building for Girls World Communication Center (GWCC) was opened in Ring Road - Kentucky Round - next to the " La 'Iilah 'Iilaa Allah" building, in which vocational, scientific and cultural training has developed remarkably, and was able to attract many donors, and thanks to its influential role in partnership with the Middle East Organization (CHF). It also was able to implement the initiative "Developing Youth Economic Capabilities" as the first work carried out by Girls World Communication Center (GWCC) in which it includes both young men and women, with the aim of integrating young people directly into the labor market and creating job opportunities for young people to have a prominent role in enhancing economic and social development in Yemen. Young people represent a large segment of the Yemeni population pyramid, despite this, they do not play a significant role in the decision-making process, and they contribute only weakly to economic activity. During the initiative, 500 young men and women were targeted by training them in everything related to the economic aspect. The trained young men and women submitted two projects upon completion of the initiative's activities to be supported by the partners with an amount of $5,000 per project.
As part of the Youth Economic Capacity Development Initiative, a radical change took place in the path of the Youth Leaders Development Foundation (YLDF) and Girls World Communication Center (GWCC), which falls within its framework, to enter into the economic aspect and build partnerships with the private sector. At that time, Alwan Al-Shaibani, Moeen Al-Eryani, and a number of traders joined as consultants in the Youth Leaders Development Foundation (YLDF), in addition to the joining of a number of trainers, such as: Muhannad Al-Maqtari, Adnan Al-Sada, Sami Al-Binaa, Anwar Mahyoub, and Mahfouz Farhan, and these represent important figures in the field of specialized training in preparing young people for the job market.
The vision of the Youth Leaders Development Foundation (YLDF) was to create a Yemen in which active, skilled and highly qualified young men and women play a leading role in all areas of society, and in which Yemenis can contribute to changing their reality for the better. The mission of the Foundation is to raise the participation of young people in all aspects: social, economic and political, as well as providing them with professional skills, communication, leadership and life skills according to the needs of society and the labor market.
Indeed, most of the young graduates have succeeded in reaching important ranks in civil society and the various administrative bodies of the public and private sectors, as a contribution from the Foundation to community building so that its programs focus on raising the developmental level of young people to combat financial and administrative corruption and involve them in all public activities to supplement the Yemeni society and market with a qualified number of young people who are able to participate actively in order to achieve social justice and sustainable development.
Because gender issues in general and women’s issues in particular do not pertain to a specific age group or a single segment, but rather are issues of an entire society, and because the youth group is the most important group that should be taken care of in terms of awareness-raising, capacity-building, and opening its awareness to people’s conditions and needs, as they are the reliable group in Building Nation, Girls World Communication Center (GWCC)was keen during 2005 to continue building the capability of girls in all human rights and development fields to promote gender equity and enable them to gain valuable practical experience in various workplaces in the capital, Sana'a.