Girls World Communication Center (GWCC) Alternative to Girls

The travelling of Mrs. Mirberg's abroad from Yemen was followed by a bit of confusion concerning continuing the work of the Girls' World Initiative or stopping it, and with the insistence and will of the two Drs. Almutawakel, they worked to continue implementing the initiative's activities, with the volunteers (Asmahan Al-Toqi, Rafida, Hana Al-Shami, and Abeer Ishaq and Amal al-Kibsi), who continued to be part of the initiative’s voluntary work team, in addition to the joining of other volunteers from Bait al-Thor.
Simultaneously, Dr. Antelak Almutawakel and Dr. Gabool Almutawakel took a temporary step by deciding to expand the initiative, and not limit it to the routinely performance. This transformation began with renting a new, more formal and spacious building, on Al-Zara’a Street in Sana’a, which encouraged more girls’ turnout to register in the initiative. The lack of education in public schools, was an additional encouragement in the increased turnout.
The day after the opening of the new building, Elizabeth Iskandar (the wife of the Sheffield director who replaced Meyerberg after her departure) made a clever proposal to turn the Girls' World Initiative into a "Girl's Language Center", as she saw - from her experience in civic and community work - that the new name will be more attractive.
In conjunction with its early start, the center has its own identity and logo. The logo was striking and attractive, designed by a Jordanian volunteer, by Mrs. Elizabeth Iskandar, then the center started its first step with self-efforts, based on the management experience they had accumulated during the previous two years.
By the year 2000, the scope of teaching at Girls World Communication Center (GWCC) for Girls expanded to become a year-round, due to the increased demand of girls to learn in the new spacious building, and the center built the ability and skills of girls through awareness and educational courses in English, and other courses.
The effectiveness of the role achieved by the center, and the success of its outputs, which focused on educating girls who are able to play a leadership role in society, drew the attention of the doners , so that the center would receive the first two funds in its career, the first was $500, and the other $20,000, by the Sheffield Company, through Mrs. Iskandar efforts.
The effectiveness of the center's role and the success of its outcomes, which focused on empowering capable girls to play a leadership role in society, caught the attention of supporters. As a result, the center received its first donations in its history. The first donation was a sum of $500 from Sheffield Company, and the second was $20,000 from Total Company.
These two donations helped pave the way for a stable environment for the center, to be well furnished, and Girls World Communication Center (GWCC) adopted a policy of harnessing funding and external donations to expand and enhance its general performance, and avoid covering operational costs from external funding, instead covering them from the income of the center itself to be self-contained, a cafeteria was also opened, which constituted a significant income to the center.