Advocacy Campaign to ceasefire and the start of peace talks and a response to COVID-19

Advocacy Campaign to ceasefire and the start of peace talks and a response to COVID-19

 Project Goal:

Reach out to Yemeni women and youth (women and men) groups/networks/individual/CSO’s with message of ceasefire and the start of peace talks and a response to COVID-19.

Project Duration: May2020- June 2020

Targeted Areas:  Yemen

Implemented Organization: Youth Leadership Development Foundation (YLDF)

Partner: UN Women



Project Summary

Support and advocate for the UN Secretary-General's call for a ceasefire and for the UN Envoy of Yemen to stop the war and unite efforts to confront the spread of the coronavirus, demand a comprehensive and unconditional ceasefire and end hostilities at all ground, air and sea levels and in all fronts and locations of confrontation




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