About Us
When YLDF started in 1998 , it believed in the potential of youth and women to actively contribute to Yemeni development. Since day one, YLDF h.as aimed to empower young people to become agents of change to contribute to a better Yemen and world. YLDF focused on several aspects of youth development including economic , social and political . It worked to enhance youth employability but also capacities to participate in developing their communities. In 2011 , the youth upraising confirmed YLDF’s theory. Young people led efforts to change, though their movement was hijacked later by political parties. Yet, since then youth-led initiatives and civil society organizations (CSOs) have been increasing and young people remain leaders in Yemen development and humanitarian response efforts.
Now it is 2022, and in spite of all the changes in Yemen, YLDF still believes that young people are an untapped resource to help build a better Yemen. Thus YLDF has decided to re-articulate its mandate to work with youth, but seeking to leverage the potential of those in humanitarian need and boost forward youth initiatives and CSOs to work collectively for policy change.
In YLDF we work for youth and with youth. Young people are our partners rather than a target group. We aim to strengthen youth to move forward from being receiver of services to becoming actors providing services